Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thermal Monads from Mauro Cesari

See Mauro Cesaris's [A.K.A. el pájaro mixto] blog HERE
*Mónadas térmicas/ thermal monads.
Heat on thermal paper. 2010

from sky writing / Karl Kempton

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visual Poetry from Karl Kempton

Title: homage to dada
Title: gum

Title: zen ax
Title: iris

Title: k/coy

Title: blimp
Title: the seekers

See Karl Kempton, Karl Young, and Harry Polkinhorn's website HERE

Visual Poetry from Mara Patricia Hernandez

See Mara's blog HERE
Title: Artdolor

Title: Crepuscular

Title: KE

Title: Struendo

Wednesday, July 28, 2010